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Category D.3.2 Language Classifications

Applicative (functional) languagesConcurrent, distributed, and parallel languages Constraint and logic languages Data-flow languages Design languages Extensible languages Macro and assembly languages Microprogramming languages Multiparad
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Objects (5)

Article HANDLING THE SUBCLASSING ANOMALY WITH OBJECT TEAMS Abstract: Java software or libraries can evolve via subclassing. Unfortunately, subclassing may not properly support code adaptation when there are dependencies between classes. More precisely, subcl 
Article PARALLELIZATION METHODS OF LOGICAL INFERENCE FOR CONFLUENT RULE-BASED SYSTEM Abstract: The article describes the research aimed at working out a program system for multiprocessor computers. The system is based on the confluent declarative production system. The article defines 
Article PARALLELIZATION OF LOGICAL INFERENCE FOR CONFLUENT RULE-BASED SYSTEM1 Abstract: The article describes the research aimed at working out a program system for multiprocessor computers. The system is based on the confluent declarative production system. The article define 
Article SEMANTIC CONSTRUCTION OF UNIVOCAL LANGUAGE Abstract: In this paper a solution is propose to organize the space of words that exist in a specific language in their different semantic categories. By taking a natural language, we're going to de 
Article СОЗДАНИЕ СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННОЙ ПОИСКОВОЙ СИС� Абстракт: В статье сделан обзор основных технологий, которые могут быть использованы при построении поисков� 

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