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Category C.2.4 Distributed Systems

Client/server Distributed applications Distributed databases Network operating systems
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Article ADAPTIVE SOA INFRASTRUCTURE BASED ON VARIABILITY MANAGEMENT Abstract: In order to exploit the adaptability of a SOA infrastructure, it becomes necessary to provide platform mechanisms that support a mapping of the variability in the applications to the variab 
Article BUILDING OF THE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT FOR GRID APPLICATIONS Abstract: The article considers the problems of configuring grid resources to perform computational tasks in the grid environment. The technology of automated configuration environment to perform tas 
Article CONNECTIVITY CONTROL IN AD HOC SYSTEMS: A GRAPH GRAMMAR APPROACH Abstract: We discuss the problem of connectivity within large-scale dynamic distributed information systems. Ad hoc system can adapt themselves through resource management or reconfiguration to achie 
Article EXPERT SYSTEM OF RATIONAL DECISION MAKING OF DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC IN ... Abstract: «Smart Grid» - is a large-scale direction in modern energy. This term is relatively recent: energy discontinues being just a facility of comfortable life; it becomes a facility of develop 
Article GRID WORKFLOW DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Abstract: Despite the increased development and use of grid-technologies for solving large-scale computational tasks in various scientific fields, the problem of complexity and efficiency of using dis 
Article GRID-ENABLING SATELLITE IMAGE ARCHIVE PROTOTYPE FOR UA SPACE GRID TESTBED1 Abstract: The paper describes practical approach to implementation of satellite data archive using Globus Toolkit 4 components. The solutions consists in converting a hierarchy of remote data files a 
Article HIGAIA METHODOLOGY Abstract: At present there is a deficiency in the field of scientific theories that support software development. On the other hand, the few existing scientific theories do not provide methodological 
Article INTELLIGENT FRAMEWORK FOR RECOMMENDATION OF MOBILE SERVICES TO CONSUMERS Abstract: This paper describes an intelligent framework for the recommendation of mobile services to users, based on a combination of two different approaches. The first one utilizes Wireless Billboa 
Article MEMBRANES DISTRIBUTION USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS Abstract: Membrane computing is an area of natural computing, which solves NP-complete problems simulating permeability of live cells membranes. Different researchers have developed architectures to  
Article METHODS AND ALGORITHMS OF LOAD BALANCING Abstract: In this paper the classification of the most used load balancing methods in distributed systems (including cloud technology, cluster systems, grid systems) is described. Load balancing is  
Article MODELING LANGUAGE OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS = PROGRAMMING TEMPLATE Abstract: The modeling languages are designed to make easier the software development. That is why so many times they are included in the development methodology. In 2001 the OMG proposed model drive 
Article MODELING LANGUAGE OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS = PROGRAMMING TEMPLATE Abstract: The modeling languages are designed to make easier the software development. That is why so many times they are included in the development methodology. In 2001 the OMG proposed model drive 
Article PRIVATE GROUPS IN PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS Abstract: Peer-to-peer architectures are designed for the sharing network, storage and computing resources solving a scalability problem. At the same time they lack capabilities for creating private  
Article SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM OF RUSSIAN ... Abstract: Current state of Russian databases for substances and materials properties was considered. A brief review of integration methods of given information systems was prepared and a distributed  

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