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I.4.3 Enhancement Article A JOINT GLOBAL AND LOCAL TONE MAPPING ALGORITHM FOR DISPLAYING WIDE DYNAMIC ... Abstract: In this paper, we introduce an efficient improved tone mapping algorithm that can be used for displaying wide dynamic range (WDR) images on conventional display devices that are mainly of l 
I.4.0 General Article AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND IMAGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF AN EXPONENTBASED... Abstract: In order to view wide contrast details in an image scene, a wide dynamic range (WDR) image sensor is required. However, these wide dynamic range images cannot be accurately viewed on a regu 
I.4.8 Scene Analysis Article APPLICATION OF SATELLITE OPTICAL AND SAR IMAGES FOR CROP MAPPING AND EREA ... Abstract: Crop area estimation is a key element in crop production forecasting and estimation. Satellite imagery can provide valuable information for stratification purposes and can be used as a sourc 
I.4 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION Article APPROXIMATION OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA BY BEZIER CURVES Abstract: Very often the experimental data are the realization of the process, fully determined by some unknown function, being distorted by hindrances. Treatment and experimental data analysis are su 
I.4.1 Digitization and Image Capture Article ASTRONOMICAL PLATES SPECTRA EXTRACTION OBJECTIVES AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS ... Abstract: The process of spectra extraction into catalogs from astronomical images, its difficulties and usage on the Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS) plates are presented. The DFBS is the larg 
I.4.7 Feature Measurement Article Automated Building Extraction System Applied On High Resolution Satellite ... Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of the new Automated Building Extraction system applied on High Resolution Satellite Imagery, which is based on an object-oriented approach and sof 
I.4.8 Scene Analysis Article CROP CLASSIFICATION IN UKRAINE USING SATELLITE OPTICAL AND SAR IMAGES Abstract: This paper presents first results of the use of optical and synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) satellite images to crop classification in Ukraine. The study aims at optimizing SAR parameters to 
I.4.8 Scene Analysis Article CROP STATE AND AREA ESTIMATION IN UKRAINE BASED ON REMOTE AND INSITU ... Abstract: This paper highlights the current state on establishing a network of test sites in Ukraine within the Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) project of the Global Earth 
I.4.8 Scene Analysis Article DEVELOPMENT OF PROCEDURES OF RECOGNITION OF OBJECTS WITH USAGE Abstract: the ontological approach to structuring knowledge and the description of data domain of knowledge is considered. It is described tool ontology-controlled complex for research and developmen 
I.4 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION Article DIGITAL ART AND DESIGN Abstract: The desire to create unique things and give free rain to one's imagination served as a powerful impetus to the development of digital art and design software. The commoner was the use of co 
I.4.8 Scene Analysis Article ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT USING GEOSPATIAL DATA AND INTELLIGENT METHODS Abstract: In this paper, we describe intelligent methods and technologies for environmental risks assessment using geospatial data. The risk assessment process is based on fusion of data acquired from 
I.4.4 Restoration Article EXEMPLAR BASED INPAINTING USING DEPTH MAP INFORMATION Abstract: Image inpainting is the process of filling in missing or damaged parts. Exemplar based image inpainting algorithm fills in the missing parts using information from the known part of the ima 
I.4.6 Segmentation Article GENETIC BASED SPOT DETECTION METHOD IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL ELECTROPHORESIS IMAGES Abstract: The image analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis images is a difficult task were authors were not able to find any other work in the literature handling with evolutionary computation in 
I.4.3 Enhancement Article HISTOLOGY IMAGE SEGMENTATION Abstract: In this article, a technique for the segmentation of the components of histological images will be explained. To be able to do a study about the various microscopic components of the animal  
I.4.6 Segmentation Article IMAGE QUOTIENT SET TRANSFORMS IN SEGMENTATION PROBLEMS Abstract: Image content interpretation is much dependent on segmentations efficiency. Requirements for the image recognition applications lead to a nessesity to create models of new type, which will  
I.4.8 Scene Analysis Article IMPACT OF SUBPIXEL PARADIGM ON DETERMINATION OF 3D POSITION FROM 2D IMAGE PAIR Abstract: The idea of subpixel feature detection is widely used in image processing area in these days and it has a high significance in many practical applications. This paper deals with impact of s 
I.4.6 Segmentation Article INTELLIGENT COMPUTATIONS FOR FLOOD MONITORING Abstract: Floods represent the most devastating natural hazards in the world, affecting more people and causing more property damage than any other natural phenomena. One of the important problems as 
I.4.1 Digitization and Image Capture Article JOINT STUDY OF VISUAL PERCEPTION MECHANISM AND COMPUTER VISION SYSTEMS THAT ... Abstract: Aspects of visual perception mechanism and pattern recognition methods are examined jointly. Latest results from neurophysiology in studying the visual system of living beings are discussed 
I.4.6 Segmentation Article KEY FRAME PARTITION MATCHING FOR VIDEO SUMMARIZATION Abstract: Summarization of video content is a complex task that requires feature selection and frame matching. To extract meaningful frames, named key frames, we have proposed partitioning of frames  
I.4.1 Digitization and Image Capture Article LARGE VLSI ARRAYS – POWER AND ARCHITECTURAL PERSPECTIVES Abstract: A novel approach to power reduction in VLSI arrays is proposed. This approach includes recognition of the similarities in architectures and power profiles of different types of arrays, adap 
I.4.2 Compression (Coding)Article Lossless Tomography Data Compression Method Abstract: This paper presents a complex compression method of tomographic data without loss. The proposed method is based on the classic and modified lossless data compression algorithms, which allow 
I.4 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION Article MATRIX FEATURE VECTORS AND HU MOMENTS IN GESTURE RECOGNITION Abstract: This paper covers usage of matrix feature vectors and Hu moments in recognition of tactile sign language. The paper also provides comparative characteristic of both approaches and a variant 
I.4 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION Article MATRIX FEATURE VECTORS IN SPEECH AND GESTURE RECOGNITION Abstract: This paper draws parallels between speech recognition of one speaker on a limited set of words and recognition of tactile sign language. The paper also provides variant of formation of feat 

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