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Category C. Computer Systems Organization

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C.3 SPECIAL-PURPOSE AND APPLICATION-BASED SYSTEMS Article INCREASING RELIABILITY AND IMPROVING THE PROCESS OF ACCUMULATOR CHARGING ... Abstract: The article presents the software written in Builder C++ that monitors the process of processor impulse charger. Protocol, interface, components used and the future research are presented.  
C.2 COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Article A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH AND USER-ORIENTED POLICY FOR MANAGING RISK AND SAFETY Abstract: A possible approach for more flexible and user-oriented risk assessment methodologies and creating infrastructure for exchanging and processing spatial data in Europe is outlined in the pap 
C.2.2 Network Protocols Article A MODEL FOR PERFORMANCE ANALISYSIS OF MULTICAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS Abstract: We study mobile communication of the ad hoc networks. Ad hoc networks are complex distributed systems that consist of wireless mobile or static nodes that can freely and dynamically self-or 
C.5 COMPUTER SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Article A PRACTICAL CASE OF SOFTWARE LOCALIZATION ... Abstract: Internationalization of software as a previous step for localization is usually taken into account during early phases of the life-cycle of software development. However, the need to adapt  
C.4 PERFORMANCE OF SYSTEMS Article A SOFTWARE SYSTEM FOR DETERMINATION OF FORMING LIMIT DIAGRAMS Abstract: Forming limit diagrams (FLD-s) deliver quantitative, graphical information concerning the ultimate ductility material my display under various strain conditions and boundary criterion of ma 
C.4 PERFORMANCE OF SYSTEMS Article A SOFTWARE SYSTEM FOR DETERMINATION OF FORMING LIMIT DIAGRAMS Abstract: Forming limit diagrams (FLD-s) deliver quantitative, graphical information concerning the ultimate ductility material my display under various strain conditions and boundary criterion of ma 
C.2 COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Article ABOUT THE PROBLEM OF DEVELOPMENT OF MESSAGES STREAM MODEL IN THE CONVERGENT ... Annotation: Differences between calls stream and messages stream are formulated. Problem statement of development of the mathematical model of messages streams circulating in the convergent telecommu 
C.2.1 Network Architecture and Design Article ADAPTIVE ALGORITHM FOR MANAGEMENT BY WEIGHT COEFFICIENTS OF THE TRAFFIC ... bstract: An adaptive algorithm for management by weight coefficients of the traffic in Crossbar commutator is synthesisеd. The algorithm is adaptive because the matrix of weights corresponds to the  
C.2.4 Distributed Systems Article ADAPTIVE SOA INFRASTRUCTURE BASED ON VARIABILITY MANAGEMENT Abstract: In order to exploit the adaptability of a SOA infrastructure, it becomes necessary to provide platform mechanisms that support a mapping of the variability in the applications to the variab 
C.1.3 Other Architecture Styles Article AN ARCHITECTURE AND EMPIRICAL RESEARCH OF DEDICATED KNOWLEDGE PROCESSING INTERPR Abstract: Developing of architectures of computer systems, which effectively support knowledge processing, remains a relevant problem. Architecture and empirical research of performance of dedicated  
C.2.1 Network Architecture and Design Article AN ESTIMATION OF TIME REQUIRED FOR MODELING OF AN ALGORITHM CALCULATE... Abstract: The problem of calculating a non-conflict schedule by packets commutation in crossbar switch node is one of the foremost problems at the stage of node design. From a mathematical point of v 
C.2 COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Article Analysis of Usage of Throughput as a Parameter of Quality of Service of ... Abstract: Analyzed impact of throughput on demands satisfaction of users of different services with different types of information transmition with the purpose to include throughput in a number of qu 
C.1 PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURES Article APLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORKS TO FIND THE IMPACT ... Abstract: Grape juice composition during the different stages of berry growth was compared. The analytical data collected were used to investigate the relationships between some of the different comp 
C.4 PERFORMANCE OF SYSTEMS Article APPLICATION OF FIBER-OPTICAL MODULATORS AS MEASURING DEVICES IN ... Abstract: The article is devoted to application of optical devices based on tensosensitive properties of liquid crystals for gathering physical data of biological objects in bioinformatics researches 
C.2.4 Distributed Systems Article BUILDING OF THE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT FOR GRID APPLICATIONS Abstract: The article considers the problems of configuring grid resources to perform computational tasks in the grid environment. The technology of automated configuration environment to perform tas 
C.2.1 Network Architecture and Design Article CLASS OF ALGORITHMS FOR SYNTHESSIS OF NON-CONFLICT SCHEDULE IN COMMUNICATION ... Abstract: In the paper are discussed six algorithms for non-conflict schedule obtaining in the switching nodes of type Crossbar. Comparative analysis of algorithms gives an overview of their potentia 
C.1.4 Parallel ArchitecturesArticle CLUSTER MANAGEMENT PROCESSES ORGANIZATION AND HANDLING Abstract: The paper describes cluster management software and hardware of SCIT supercomputer clusters built in Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine. The paper shows the performance result 
C.1.4 Parallel ArchitecturesArticle CLUSTER SUPERCOMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Abstract: The paper describes the architecture of SCIT - supercomputer system of cluster type and the base architecture features used during this research project. This supercomputer system is put in 
C.0 GENERAL Article COMPETENCE–BASED SUPPORT OF INTERACTION ... Abstract: In a complicated business network finding a supplier can be a very time consuming task. The technology of competence management is aimed to support such kind of tasks. The paper presents an 
C.2.1 Network Architecture and Design Article COMPUTER SIMULATION OF MIMA ALGORITHM FOR INPUT BUFFERED CROSSBAR SWITCH Abstract: The investigations for throughput of a new algorithm for computing of non-conflict schedule in crossbar switch node are presented in this paper. By means of Generalized nets (GN) a model of  

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