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Category D. Software

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D.2 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Article A "CROSS-TECHNOLOGY" SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT APPROACH Abstract: Contemporary web-based software solutions are usually composed of many interoperating applications. Classical approach is the different applications of the solution to be created inside one 
D. Software Article A BOUNDED ALGORITHM BASED ON APPLICABILITY DOMAINS FOR THE APPLICATION ... Abstract: Transition P systems are a computational model based on the basic features of biological membranes and in the observation of biochemical processes. In this model, a membrane contains object 
D.1 PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES Article A CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTING MASSIVE PARALLELISM IN TRANSITION P SYSTEMS Abstract: Transition P-systems are based on biological membranes and try to emulate cell behavior and its evolution due to the presence of chemical elements. These systems perform computation throu 
D.1 PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES Article A HIERARCHICAL ARCHITECTURE WITH PARALLEL COMUNICATION ... Abstract: Membrane systems are computational equivalent to Turing machines. However, its distributed and massively parallel nature obtain polynomial solutions opposite to traditional non-polynomial o 
D.1.5 Object-oriented Programming Article A SENSITIVE METRIC OF CLASS COHESION Abstract: Metrics estimate the quality of different aspects of software. In particular, cohesion indicates how well the parts of a system hold together. A metric to evaluate class cohesion is importa 
D.2.9 Management Article A SMALL SETTINGS CASE STUDY USING TSPI ... Abstract: This article introduces a small setting case study about the benefits of using TSPi in a software project. An adapted process from the current process based on the TSPi was defined. The pil 
D.4.3 File Systems Management Article A SURVEY OF MATHEMATICAL AND INFORMATIONAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE BIGARM ACCESS ... Abstract: The BigArM is an access method for storing and accessing Big Data. It is under development. In this survey we present its mathematical and informational foundations as well as its requirem 
D.1.m Miscellaneous Article A WEB IMPLEMETATION OF A GENERALIZED NEP Abstract: The Networks of Evolutionary Processors (NEPs) are computing mechanisms directly inspired from the behavior of cell populations more specifically the point mutations in DNA strands. These me 
D.2 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Article ACCESS RIGHTS INHERITANCE IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTROLLED BY METADATA Abstract: All information systems have to be protected. As the number of information objects and the number of users increase the task of information system’s protection becomes more difficult. One 
D.4.3 File Systems Management Article ADVANCE OF THE ACCESS METHODS Abstract: The goal of this paper is to outline the advance of the access methods in the last ten years as well as to make review of all available in the accessible bibliography methods. Keywords:  
D.1 PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES Article ADVERGAMES: OVERVIEW Abstract: Advergame is a new marketing concept that has appeared due to the fact that young people are always connected to the Internet, are using mobile services such as SMS and MMS, or are chatting 
D.2.2 Design Tools and TechniquesArticle ALGEBRA DESCRIBING SOFTWARE STATIC MODELS Abstract: Algebra, describing software static models that are represented as the UML-diagrams of classes packages and components is presented in this paper. The major constituents of the algebra, whic 
D.2.2 Design Tools and TechniquesArticle AN APPROACH TO BEHAVIORAL SOFTWARE MODELS ANALYTICAL REPRESENTATION Abstract: According to standard UML 2.5 Behavioral Software Models (BSMs) are UML diagrams that represent software behavior [UML 2.5, 2012]. An approach of BSM analytical representation is proposed  
D.2.13 Reusable SoftwareArticle AN APPROACH TO MULTIFACETED BUSINESS PROCESS MODELING WITH MODEL TRANSFORMATION Abstract: The approach to models generation automation and implementation of multifaceted business process modeling on the basis of graphical model transformation is described. To create graphical m 
D.4.6 Security and Protection Article ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION SECURITY OF OBJECTS UNDER ATTACKS Abstract: In this paper a methodology for evaluation of information security of objects under attacks, processed by methods of compression, is represented. Two basic parameters for evaluation of info 
D.4.6 Security and Protection Article ANALYSIS OF MALICIOUS ATTACKS ACCOMPLISHED IN REAL AND VIRTUAL ... Abstract: In this paper an analysis of possibilities offered by virtual environments for accomplishing attacks to and within it, is made. Main techniques for accomplishing an attack to virtual enviro 
D.4.6 Security and Protection Article ANALYSIS OF MALICIOUS ATTACKS ACCOMPLISHED IN REAL AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT Abstract: In this paper an analysis of possibilities offered by virtual environments for accomplishing attacks to and within it, is made. Main techniques for accomplishing an attack to virtual enviro 
D.4.6 Security and Protection Article APPLICATION OF METHODS OF MULTI-CRITERIA EVALUATION IN CHOOSING A METHOD ... Abstract: In this paper is proposed a model for researching the capability to influence, by selected methods’ groups of compression, to the co-efficient of information security of selected objects� 
D.4.8 Performance Article APPLICATION OF SOME CYBERNETIC MODELS IN BUILDING INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL ... Abstract. The individual educational trajectory (IET) is a medium-term didactic complex that provides optimal opportunities for developing the creative potential of the learner by taking into account 
D.2 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Article ARCHITECTURE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REPORTING MEANS IN ADAPTIVE Abstract: This article describes architecture and implementation of subsystem intended for working with queries and reports in adaptive dynamically extended information systems able to dynamically ex 
D.2 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Article BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES STUDIES THROUGH SOFTWARE TOOLS:... Abstract: In this paper is aim to design a new software tool that allows to create synthetic biology complex systems and genetic circuit designs, as well as to carry out the development of these model 
D.4.1 Process Management Article BUILDING OF THE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT FOR GRID APPLICATIONS Abstract: The article considers the problems of configuring grid resources to perform computational tasks in the grid environment. The technology of automated configuration environment to perform tas 
D.2.2 Design Tools and TechniquesArticle BUSINESS PROCESSES MODELLING WITH DSM PLATFORM AT INTEGRATED SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Abstract: The first and most labor-consuming stage of information systems development is an analysis stage. At this stage the set of different formal models describing systems domains, different aspe 

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