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Category I. Computing Methodologies

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Article CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM IN A MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE Abstract: The article presents a concept of advisory system supporting decision-making processes in a manufacturing enterprise operating in the glass industry. The purpose of the system is to support 
Article A NEURAL NETWORKS APPLICATION IN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM Abstract: This work presents the using of the chosen neural networks for the data classification. The Statistic Neural Networks has been used for the rating. The neural networks have been successfull 
Article AGENT ORIENTATION AS A TOOLBOX FOR ORGANIZATIONAL MODELING Abstract: The main goal of the paper is to convince that agent orientation may be considered as a powerful paradigm for organization modeling and the reference architecture for Management Information 
Article AN AGENT–ORIENTED ELECTRONIC MARKETPLACE FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION OF ... Abstract: The main goal of the research that preliminary results have been presented in this paper is to develop an agent–oriented electronic marketplace for modeling and simulation of dynamic pri 
Article APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF ... Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present the fundamental algorithms and procedures by which processes of clustering and classification of elements, assembly units and parts of installed prod 
Article ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPROACH TO DIABETES DIAGNOSTICS Abstract: In this paper a concept of designing and building intelligent system in diabetes diagnostic is introduced. The way of the expert, classifying the input data system (symptoms) for four types 
Article DESIGN CONCEPT OF INTELLIGENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Abstract: In this paper a concept of designing and building intelligent decision support systems in production management is introduced. The new approach to the design of intelligent management syste 
Article E-LEARNING, E-PRACTISING AND E-TUTORING: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH Abstract: In this paper is described a didactic methodology combining current e-learning methods and the support of Intelligent Agents technologies. The aim is to favor the synthesis among theoreti 
Article I&R SYSTEMS ON THE INTERNET/INTRANET CITES AS THE TOOL FOR DISTANCE LEARNING Abstract: This article considers the Internet/Intranet information systems as the tool for distance learning. Author considers the model of the 3-tier WEB based information system, the idea of the la 
Article INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR ASSEMBLY PROCESS PLANNING Abstract: The flexibility, customization and localization offered by computer integrated manufacturings are attractive but generate a new class of management problems. Intelligent support systems are 
Article INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR COMPUTER AIDED ASSEMBLY PROCESS PLANNING Abstract: This paper presents the concepts of the intelligent system for aiding of the module assembly technology. The first part of this paper presents a project of intelligent support system for co 
Article MERGING WIKI AND ONTOLOGICAL APPROACH TO E-LEARNING PORTAL DESIGN Abstract: The paper presents an ontological approach towards e-learning portal development. Special stress is put on structuring procedure as it is the kernel of ontology development and on visual de 
Article THE APPLICATION OF DATA MINING METHODS TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF ... Abstract: In this paper the review of applications of data mining is presented. The algorithm of the induction across decision trees that was proposed for classifying large set of data is described i 
Article THE FUZZY-NEURO CLASSIFIER FOR DECISION SUPPORT Abstract: This paper aims at development of procedures and algorithms for application of artificial intelligence tools to acquire process and analyze various types of knowledge. The proposed environm 
Article THE MODEL OF DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR A MANUFACTURING COMPANY Abstract: Decision making processes in manufacturing companies are becoming extremely complex and require more and more knowledge, both of technological quality of products, concerning a production p 
Article TOWARD THE REFERENCE MODEL FOR AGENT-BASED SIMULATION OF EXTENDED ENTERPRISES Abstract: The main aim of the research which partial results are presented in this paper is to develop full-blown reference model for creating simulation experiments supporting management of Extended 
Article ОБОБЩЕНИЯ ПРИНЦИПОВ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ЗАТРАТ Д Abstract: Рассматривается задача распределения затрат как задача коллективного принятия решений. Предлагаются � 
Article ОЦЕНКА ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ПРОГНОЗИРОВАНИЯ И ПРИ Аннотация: В статье предложена схема для принятия решений на бирже, с использованием комплекса адаптивных мо 

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