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Article INFLUENCE ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ON PROGRESS IN CONTROL ... Abstract: Current status and perspectives of an interdisciplinary knowledge domain including informatics, computer science, control theory, and IT applications were analyzed. Scientific-and-methodolo 
Article A BRIEF SURVEY OF METRICS IN CODING THEORY Abstract: The main objects of Coding theory are metric vector or matrix spaces. Subsets of spaces are known as codes. The main problem is constructing codes of given pairwise distance and having maxi 
Article A FORMAL REPRESENTATION OF CONCEPT COMPOSITION Abstract: This paper centers on argument saturation in relational-noun compounds. We argue that these compounds can be analyzed in terms of conceptual types, as introduced by [Löbner 1985, to appear 
Article A JOINT GLOBAL AND LOCAL TONE MAPPING ALGORITHM FOR DISPLAYING WIDE DYNAMIC ... Abstract: In this paper, we introduce an efficient improved tone mapping algorithm that can be used for displaying wide dynamic range (WDR) images on conventional display devices that are mainly of l 
Article AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND IMAGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF AN EXPONENTBASED... Abstract: In order to view wide contrast details in an image scene, a wide dynamic range (WDR) image sensor is required. However, these wide dynamic range images cannot be accurately viewed on a regu 
Article APPLICATION OF MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION FOR INHERITANCE LAW INERPRETATIONS Abstract: The purpose of this article is to obtain simple rule for applying the Inheritance law for the case of (own) brothers/sisters by birth, and/or brothers/sisters uterine or through father. Usi 
Article AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR QUANTIFYING THE LEVEL OF PREPARATION IN COLONOSCOPY Abstract: Colonoscopy is the gold standard method for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC). It detects the first clinical manifestation of CRC, known as polyps. One night prior to a colonoscopy  
Article DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, AND TESTING OF A MINIATURE SELF-STABILIZING CAPSULE ... Abstract: Video capsule endoscopy (VCE) enables examination of the small intestine. In large-lumen organs of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (e.g. the stomach and the colon), the capsule tumbles aroun 
Article ENERGY HARVESTING IN HORIZONTAL DRILLING PROCESSES FOR THE PURPOSE OF INFORMATIO Abstract: Precise information and navigation monitoring in horizontal drilling is of great importance for oil exploration and deposit discovery. The cost of the drilling process depends significantly 
Article GENETIC ALGORITHMS IN E-LEARNING SYSTEMS Abstract: - An approach for the problem of building such tools of e-learning system that gives the user a chance to get the desired knowledge of teaching course in a user adaptable manner is suggeste 
Article GEOMETRIC APPROACH FOR GAUSSIAN-KERNEL BOLSTERED ERROR ESTIMATION... Abstract: Classification and feature selection techniques are among the most commonly used mathematical approaches for analysis and interpretation of biological data. One of the important characteris 
Article GOD-ICS. ON FUNDAMENTAL INFORMATION FIELD QUEST Abstract: Further progress in AI research requires more complete and comprehensive study of information interactions in nature, not confined to psyche and intellect of individuals. One should not igno 
Article INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR METROLOGY Abstract: An important application of the information technology (IT), which is the creation and improvement of Information Systems for Metrology (ISM) is discussed. These systems initially had a for 
Article MPLS NETWORK STRUCTURAL SYNTHESIS WITH APPLICATION OF MODIFIED GENETIC ALGORITHM Abstract: The problem of MPLS networks structural synthesis is considered. The various modifications of Genetic Algorithms (GA) are investigated for this problem solution which differs in implementat 
Article MULTI-CRITERIA METHODS OF COMPETITIVE SELECTION OF PROJECTS IN THE SCIENCE FOUND Abstract: The paper deals with possible approaches to the formation of scientific policy and competitive selection of applications for grants in the State Science Foundation by the methods of multicr 
Article ON MEASURABLE MODELS OF PROMOTION OF NEGENTROPIC STRATEGIES BY COGNITION Abstract: Could models of mind be independent from living realities but be classified as mind if the mind uses the same criteria to form the class mind? In the paper a constructive view on the models 
Article ON MEASURABLE MODELS OF PROMOTION OF NEGENTROPIC STRATEGIES BY COGNITION Abstract: Could models of mind be independent from living realities but be classified as mind if the mind uses the same criteria to form the class mind? In the paper a constructive view on the models 
Article REPRESENTING STRATEGIC ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE ... Abstract: The paper describes methods and tools for organizational knowledge representation in the field of strategic management. Visual and matrix/table-based methods are actively used for knowledge 
Article RESTORING OF DEPENDENCES ON SAMPLINGS OF PRECEDENTS WITH USAGE OF MODELS ... Abstract. Two approaches to solution of the task of restoring of dependence between a vector of independent variables and a dependent scalar according to training sampling are considered. The first ( 
Article SELECTION OF COMPUTING COMPLEX BY INTEGRAL IDEX OF PROSPECTIVITY Abstract: The paper describes an approach to multicriteria choice of computing complex using a multi-stage technology for sequential reducing the dimension of the criteria space. Several hierarchical 
Article Selection of Computing Complex by Integral Index of Prospectivity Abstract: The paper describes an approach to multicriteria choice of computing complex using a multi-stage technology for sequential reducing the dimension of the criteria space. Several hierarchical 
Article SELF-ORGANIZING ROUTING ALGORITHM FOR WIRELESS SENSORS NETWORKS (WSN) USING ... Abstract: This paper describes the basic tools to work with wireless sensors. TinyOShas a component-based architecture which enables rapid innovation and implementation while minimizing code size as r 
Article STUDY OF INTEGRATION ALGORITHM AND TIME STEP ON MOLECULAR DYNAMIC SIMULATION Abstract: A simulation is reliable when the simulation time is much longer than the relaxation time of the quantities in question. The aim of this work is to address the question when Molecular Dynam 
Article THE PROBLEM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH EFFECTIVENESS Abstract: The paper enlightens the following aspects of the problem of scientific research effectiveness: it formulates the main problem of growth of the scientific research efficiency; reveals the m 
Article WIRELESS DATA TRANSMISSION OPTIONS IN ROTARY IN-DRILLING ALIGNMENT(R-IDA) ... Abstract: Conventional methods in multilateral drilling processes incorporate magnetometer-based surveying systems for determining the position and attitude of the bottomhole assembly (BHA). Magnetic 

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